What To Know About Color Blindness

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in Eye Health on July 18, 2023

What To Know About Color Blindness

Color blindness happens when you cannot see colors correctly, also known as color deficiency. Color blindness occurs when someone is unable to distinguish between specific colors. Color Blindness usually happens between greens and reds and occasionally blues. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, two types of cells detect light in the retina. The Rods detect… Read More

July Is UV Safety Awareness Month

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in Eye Health on June 28, 2023

july is uv safety awareness month

Summer has finally arrived, and the sun is brightly shining with warm temperatures. It is a perfect time to share sun-smart awareness during UV Safety Awareness Month. Before you enjoy fun in the sun, either on vacation or relaxing in your backyard, here are some Sun Smart UV Safety Tips from the American Academy of… Read More

Why Are Eyebrows and Eyelashes Important?

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on June 20, 2023

why are eyebrows and eyelashes important

Isn’t it interesting that a study completed by MIT stated that it would be hard to recognize you if you did not have your eyebrows!? Our eyebrows and eyelashes frame our faces, but they don’t just exist for our beauty. They also serve as protection, help us express emotion, and are our eye’s first line… Read More

June Is Cataract Awareness Month

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on May 31, 2023

Are Your Cataracts Impacting Your Daily Activities?

Prevent Blindness has declared June as Cataract Awareness Month to raise cataract awareness and educate patients about one of the leading causes of treatable vision loss in the United States. According to Prevent Blindness, over 25 million Americans will develop cataracts. As the population in America ages, the number of cataract cases will likely increase… Read More

Are You Celebrating With Fireworks This Memorial Day?

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on May 16, 2023

firework safety tips to prevent eye injuries

Did you know that fireworks cause 2,000 eye injuries every year? According to a study published in JAMA Ophthalmology, during the 19-year study period, fireworks caused more than 34,000 ocular injuries, and the most common injury was an ocular burn. We are on the heels of Memorial Day as the first holiday to start the upcoming summer… Read More

Your Eyes As You Age

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on April 18, 2023

Older woman holding her little dog

Beginning in the early to mid-40s, many adults may start to have issues seeing clearly, especially when reading and working on a digital device. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, adults develop this typical problem between 41 to 60. This average change in the eye’s focusing ability, called presbyopia, will continue to progress over… Read More

What Is An Ocular Migraine?

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on April 12, 2023

what is an ocular migraine?

An ocular migraine is a rare condition characterized by temporary vision loss or even temporary blindness in one eye. Ocular migraines are caused by reduced blood flow or spasms of blood vessels in the retina or behind the eye. In an ocular migraine, vision in the affected eye generally returns to normal within an hour…. Read More

What Are Spring Eye Allergies?

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on March 13, 2023

what are spring eye allergies?

We are on the cusp of Spring, and the change in season promises fairer weather and new beginnings. Unfortunately, Spring’s new growth can also create seasonal allergies that leave you with congestion, headaches, and itchy, swollen eyes. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, eye allergies, also called allergic conjunctivitis, are pretty standard. They occur… Read More

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