What Are Spring Eye Allergies?

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on March 13, 2023

what are spring eye allergies?

We are on the cusp of Spring, and the change in season promises fairer weather and new beginnings. Unfortunately, Spring’s new growth can also create seasonal allergies that leave you with congestion, headaches, and itchy, swollen eyes. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, eye allergies, also called allergic conjunctivitis, are pretty standard. They occur… Read More

Women’s Eye Health March is Women’s History Month

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on March 7, 2023

March is Women’s History Month, an observance and celebration of women’s vital role in American history, contributing to culture, society, and medicine. Every woman is essential and contributes daily to help lives, whether for family, colleagues, or the community. A woman’s everyday life is hectic and has many obligations that involve many priorities to complete…. Read More

February Is Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on January 31, 2023

What is Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)? AMD is a disorder of the macula. The macula is the part of your retina where your central and color vision calls home. AMD is a complex disorder where degenerative protein/lipids (called “drusen”) deposit under the retina. These deposits are seen in early macular degeneration. The retina’s structural support… Read More

Keep The Holidays Happier and Healthier

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on December 12, 2022

Have you started your holiday shopping yet, checking your list and checking it twice?   If you struggle to find the perfect gift for your special loved one, look no further. Finding the perfect gift can be a frustrating task. You may think a cookbook, a health-wellness gift, or a gift card for a healthy… Read More

A Gift Guide For Toys To Avoid This Holiday Season

Posted by: Cumberland Eye Care in General on December 6, 2022

What an exciting time of the year! ‘Tis the season of holiday cheer, family traditions, shopping, and giving gifts to the ones we love. As we prepare our holiday shopping list, some popular toys may not be the best gift for your child. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, about a quarter of a… Read More

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